Boken utforsker hvordan inuitter, samer og andre arktiske samfunn skaper selvbestemte rom. Ledet av urfolk og nybyggere, undersøkes hva hjem betyr for de nordligste urfolkene, deres tilknytning til land og fremtidige relasjoner.
Gjennom essays, kunstverk, fotografier og personlige fortellinger, uttrykkes urfolks oppfatninger av hjem, land, slektskap, design og minne, og vektlegger omsorg for-og liv på landet som en de viktigste verdiene.
Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen og Rafico Ruiz er redaktører.
Tekst på inuktitut, nordsamisk og engelsk.
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ (angirramut) in Inuktitut or ruovttu guvlui in North Sámi mean “towards home.” To move towards home is to reflect on where Sámi people and Inuit people find home, on what their connections to their lands means, and on what these relationships could look like moving into the future. Informed by the perspectives of a group of Inuit, Sámi, and settler co-editors, ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home: Inuit and Sámi Placemaking explores Northern Indigenous forms of sovereignty shaped by an understanding of the land as home. It emphasizes caring for and living on the land as a way of being, and celebrates practices of spacemaking and placemaking that empower Indigenous communities.
This publication presents memories, experiences, and projections that hold the potential to shape what home in and for Northern Indigenous communities can be. It ultimately asks: Where is home? Where does land begin? And where do we go from here?
With an aim to support the growth and revitalization of Indigenous languages, ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home: Inuit and Sámi Placemaking features Inuktitut and North Sámi text alongside English.
Edited by Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen, and Rafico Ruiz
With contributions from Robyn Adams, Ella den Elzen, Liisa-Rávná Finbog, Napatsi Folger, Carola Grahn, Jenni Hakovirta, Elin Kristine Haugdal, Geronimo Inutiq, Ellen Marie Jensen, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Nicole Luke, Reanna Merasty, Johanna Minde, Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen, Naomi Ratte, Tiffany Shaw, Sunniva Skålnes, Jen Rose Smith, and Olivia Lya Thomassie
Co-published with Valiz and Mondo Books
ISBN: 9789493246256. CCA, 2024. 349 sider. Heftet. 399.- (kan kjøpes gjennom Tronsmo)