Stikkord: statsborgerskap

  • Indigenising Education and Citizenship – Perspectives on Policies and Practices From Sápmi and Beyond

    Denne boken handler om urfolksutdanning og statsborgerskap. Fokuset er på  politikken for urfolksutdanning som skal settes ut i livet. Det legges  vekt på de prosessuelle aspektene ved både utdanning og medborgerskap.

    Boka undersøker de konseptuelle, politiske og pedagogiske spørsmålene knyttet til urfolks statsborgerskap og utdanning i fire forskjellige kontekster, nemlig Sápmi, Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand og Namibia.

    Engelsk tekst. Torjer A. Olsen og Hilde Sollid ved UiT er redaktører. Blant bidragsyterne er Pigga Keskitalo, Else Grethe Broderstad, Kristin Evju, Åse Mette Johansen og Elin Furu Markussen.

    Boka er åpent tilgjengelig i Idunn.

    This book is about Indigenous education and citizenship. Our center of attention is the politics of Indigenous education to be put into practice. We emphasise the processual aspects of both education and citizenship. We investigate how having both Indigenous and non-Indigenous citizens in nation state education systems is reflected in policy, pedagogy, and practice, and how to consider the implications for future forms of education and citizenship.

    The book contributes to knowledge about Indigenous education as a field of research, policy, and practice around the world. To reach this goal, we examine the conceptual, political, and pedagogical issues relating to Indigenous citizenship and education in four different contexts, namely Sápmi, Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Namibia.

    Together, the contributors of the book come from different research disciplines, from Indigenous studies, education, and social anthropology to sociolinguistics, political science, and philosophy. The chapters highlight continua and diversity rather than dichotomies and unity. We look for how local practices relate to national and
    international demands and perspectives, and for different ways of performing citizenship. Together, we seek the connections between the local, the national and the international, and between educational policy and practice.

    ISBN:9788215053424. Universitetsforlaget, 2022. 339 s. Heftet. 499.- (Boka kan kjøpes gjennom Biblioteksentralen )