Gabriel Kuhn: Liberating Sápmi – Indigenous Resistance in Europe’s Far North

Gabriel Kuhns bok Liberating Sápmi er en fantastisk reise gjennom Sápmi og inkluderer dybdeintervjuer med samiske artister, aktivister og lærde som frimodig står opp for sitt folks rettigheter. I dette vakkert illustrerte verket tar Kuhn sikte på å øke bevisstheten om den pågående kampen til samene for rettferdighet og selvbestemmelse.

I boka finnes intervjuer med Mari Boine, Harald Gaski, Ann-Kristin Håkansson, Aslak Holmberg, Maxida Märak, Stefan Mikaelsson, May-Britt Öhman, Synnøve Persen, Øyvind Ravna, Niillas Somby, Anders Sunna, og Suvi West.

Tekst på engelsk.

Gabriel Kuhn speaking about Liberating Sapmi @ the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair 2020 (YouTube. 17.10.20)

The Sámi, who have inhabited Europe’s far north for thousands of years, are often referred to as the continent’s “forgotten people.” With Sápmi, their traditional homeland, divided between four nation-states—Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia—the Sámi have experienced the profound oppression and discrimination that characterize the fate of indigenous people worldwide: their lands have been confiscated, their beliefs and values attacked, their communities and families torn apart. Yet the Sámi have shown incredible resilience, defending their identity and their territories and retaining an important social and ecological voice—even if many, progressives and leftists included, refuse to listen.

ISBN: 9781629637129. PM Press, 2020. 220 s. Heftet. (kan kjøpes gjennom Adlibris og Tanum blant andre)